12 Feb 2007

'You Are What You Eat!

In The Mood for Food: You FEEL What You Eat

Experts say what you eat can actually affect your mood. Want to feel happier? Less cranky? More calm?

Clear Your Head...
If you find it hard to concentrate and often feel like your mind is a big pile of goo, try snacking on some protein-rich foods. Foods like cheese (stick with low-fat kinds), soy products, and lean poultry are great for making you feel alert, energized, and ready to take on the day. So if your brain's feeling a bit foggy, nibble on some low-cal string cheese, a veggie burger, or some boneless, skinless chicken breast. You may be thinking more clearly in no time. HG's HOT Snack Pick: Tasty Eats Soy Jerky in Hot N' Spicy. It's low in calories and fat (45 calories, <1g>online, at Whole Foods and other markets that specialize in healthy or natural foods.
Cheer Up...
Everyone knows a little chocolate can fix anything, because chocolate ROCKS! And not just because it's sweet, delicious, and creamy. Experts say chocolate actually has the ability to boost our moods and make us feel more content. Here's the scoop: Fat, sugar, and an endorphin-releasing substance called phenyl ethylamine (all found in chocolate) raise both serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain. The result? Your mouth -- AND the rest of you -- will be happier. HG's Chocolate Pick: Cocoa Via Chocolate Blueberry Snack Bars (80 calories, 2g fat). Available at cocoavia.com, Target, Wal-Mart, and select markets.
Stabilize Mood Swings...
Do you go from laughing to crying in a matter of seconds? Curbing mood swings may be as easy as drinking water. That's because dehydration can play a big part in our emotional stability. Don't get those recommended 8 to 10 cups of water a day and you might just find yourself sweatin' the small stuff. If you find it hard to get water down, try drinking it at room temperature. It's easier to guzzle that way. HG Water Find: Hint Water, available at drinkhint.com, is water with slightly fruity flavor. It's not sweetened or overpowering in any way, and it comes in tons of flavors like pear, apple, and pomegranate-tangerine.
Don't Be Nervous...
Feeling stressed, nervous, or anxious? Calm down with some low-fat dairy or a handful of almonds. Both foods are rich in calcium, and calcium is great for reducing anxiety and making you feel calm and relaxed. HG's Calcium Pick: Yoplait Light, Thick & Creamy (100 calories, 0g fat).
Temper Temper...
Feeling angry? Instead of lashing out at the cat or a co-worker, reach for a grapefruit, some grapes, or some carrots! All three of these yummy and healthy foods are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol. Another pectin plus? When you're angry, your body kicks into fight or flight mode; and your heart rate, adrenaline levels, and blood pressure increase. Pectin reverses the effect anger has on the body and helps your system return to normal. HG's Fun Pectin Find: McDonald's Apple Dippers. You get apple slices AND gooey caramel for just 100 calories and 1 gram of fat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

' A healthy mind in a healthy body'